About the Victoria Secret brand

We are more than sure that every single lady loving to wear sensual and fashionable lingerie at least from time to time is perfectly familiar with the Victoria Secret brand. It is characterized not only by constantly adjusting its offer to the needs of its customers and to the currently applicable trends, but also - by basing on best materials possible and focusing on even the smallest details while making its goods.

Victoria Secret - underwear sizes

Victoria Secret also stands out from the crowd due to its size chart that is simply perfect for women of various body types who have found it really difficult to purchase items suiting their needs either in traditional shops and in online stores.

We would like to say that the company has developed a comprehensive guide relating to size chart and lingerie selection that can be checked directly on the site of the company. All the customer interested in such pieces of information has to do is to visit this URL.

Detailed guidebook bra sizes

If you consider the provided explanations not sufficient, you may always opt for our detailed guidebook that will surely help you to select the bra size that will be optimal for you. Do to so, you just have to visit our website and familiarize yourself with this (bra size) subsection of the portal.