Teva size guide

A brief history of Teva brand

Teva is a company that has been established rather recently, but it has taken the market by storm. It has been predominantly caused by the wide selection of available items of apparel and accessories that are not only designed with ladies and gentlemen in mind, but are also perfect for young children. The representatives of the Teva brand have taken care of everything - proper management, the sustainable nature of production, as well as of a wide selection of available goods, which ensures that even the pickiest and most demanding customers will find items they have been looking for. Teva is constantly expanding and entering new markets, which will surely translate into its greater presence on the global market and easier availability of the goods offered to customers. Its portfolio is undoubtedly worth checking out!

Teva Women's size chart

Teva has recently published a very comprehensible women’s size chart that has been developed with females of various body types in mind. It will make it much easier to purchase clothing items that will be in line with the requirements and expectations of a particular female client, as well as will limit the risk of being required to ask the representatives of the company to initiate the return procedure, which takes a lot of time and effort to bring to a satisfactory conclusion.

Foot Length (mm) 220224229233237241245250254258262267271275279
US 55.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.512
UK 33.544.555.566.577.588.599.510
EU 3636.53737.53838.53939.54040.54141.54242.543
Japan (cm) 2222.52323.52424.52525.52626.226.52727.52828.5
China (mm) 220225230235240245250255260262265270275280285

Teva Men's size chart

We are honored to announce that the Teva company has recently published an all-encompassing men's size chart that can be taken advantage of to make purchases of top quality items of apparel while shopping online or opting for the services of a local brick-and-mortar shop offering Teva’s goods. The size chart in question has been developed for quite some time, meaning that it is well adjusted to the needs of the customers and to the most recent fashion trends followed by fashion and clothing branches of industry.

Foot Length (mm) 230234239243247251256260264268272277281285289294298302306311315
US 55.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212.51313.51414.515
UK 44.555.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212.51313.514
EU 36.537.53838.539.54040.541.54242.5434444.54545.546.54747.548.54949.5
Japan (cm) 23.52424.524.72525.52626.52727.52828.52929.53030.230.53131.531.732
China (mm) 235240245247250255260265270275280285290295300302305310315317320

Teva Kid's size chart

Teva Company has always been caring about its customers and have been showing a remarkable care about inclusivity. It can be also seen in the kid’s size chart that has been published on the website of the company quite recently. Said size chart will help parents find the right items of apparel for their daughters and sons. We hope that such a comprehensive data sheet will remarkably reduce the risk of being forced to return or exchange the prior purchased items of clothing.

Teva Toddler (4-10) size chart

Japan (CM)11.51213141515.51616.51717.5
China (MM)115120130140150155160165170175

Teva Children (11-13) size chart

Japan (CM)1818.51919.219.519.7
China (MM)180185190192195197

Teva Youth (4-7) size chart

Japan (CM)2020.52121.52222.22323.223.52424.52525.5
China (MM)200205210215220222230232235240245250255


How to measure Teva?

Measuring Teva items of clothing and decorations will now be even easier than it was before - all thanks to the newly developed size chart. It incorporates key dimensions, as well as sizing standards that are followed in America, England, Europe, Japan, and China. All the standards are properly distinguished from one another, making the entire data sheet exceptionally easy to consult, causing no confusion or problems whatsoever.